Virtual Private Cloud
1. Like your Virtual Data Center.
2. VPC lets you provision a logically isolated section of AWS, where you can launch AWS resources in a
virtual network you define.
3. Will have complete control on NW environment, like own IP range, creation of subnets,
configuration of route tables and network gateways, internet gateways attach to subnets.
4. Can leverage multiple layers of security, including security groups and network access control lists to control
EC2 instances in each subnet.
5. Can create hardware VPN between corporate DataCenter and AWS VPC.
6. Can launch instances of subnet.
7. 2 levels of security groups
a. instance security groups
b. subnet network access contols (ACLS)
8. Default VPC and Custom VPC
Default vpc:
a. user friendly, immediately deploy instances.
b. All subnets has internet gateways
c. EC2 instance has both public and private IP address
d. once you delete default VPC only AWS can help.
Custom VPC
9. VPC Peering
a. allows to connect 1VPC with other via direct network route using private IP address.
b. can peer VPC with other AWS account as well as other VPCs in same account.
c. Peering is in a start configuration 1central VPC peers with 4 others.
10. VPC Restriction
1. 5 elastic IP address.
2. 5 Internet Gateways
3. 5 VPCs per regions
4. 50 VPN connections per region.
5. 50 customer Gateways per region.
6. 200 Route Tables per region.
7. 100 Security Groups per VPC.
8. 50 Rules per Security group.