AWS: Security 20% Unknown 03:56 AWS 1 comment Disaster Recovery Recovery time objective Recovery point objective Amazon Elastic Block Store AWS Import/Export AWS Storage Gateway Amazon Route53 secure procedures Cloud Security Best Practices use a threat model data flow diagram for risk management Security Architecture with AWS DDOS mitigation Encryption solutions security groups, ACLs, etc Amazon CloudWatch Shared Security Responsibility Model AWS Platform Compliance AWS security attributes Security Services IAM VPC CIA and AAA models, ingress vs. egress filtering “Core” Amazon EC2 and S3 security feature sets Firewall, IDS:HIDS/NIDS, SIEM, VPN Design Patterns Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+ Stumble Digg Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to Facebook
Very informative blog. You shared every aspects of AWS disaster recovery. I want to share best AWS disaster recovery solutions. Really valuable.